Sophie Harvey, PhD - Associate Director, MSP; Senior Research Scientist -
I work on proteomics samples within the OSU Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility. This includes identifying proteins using bottom-up approaches and top-down approaches as well as intact protein or protein complex measurements. I work on identifying post translational modifications, as well as label-free or isotope labelled samples for quantitation. My work mostly uses the Thermo Orbitrap Fusion, Thermo Q Exactive Plus, Thermo Orbitrap XL instruments, and the 15T FT ICR MS. My role also includes data analysis of these samples using a variety of different software packages-including Mascot and Proteome Discoverer. Prior to working in the facility I received my PhD from the University of Edinburgh working under the supervision of Perdita Barran, using MS and ion mobility-MS to study conformationally dynamic proteins and their interactions with small drug molecules or biomolecules. Following this I did postdoctoral research in the lab of Vicki Wysocki at The Ohio State University studying the structure of protein complexes, and membrane protein complexes, using MS and IM-MS.
Liwen Zhang, PhD - Technical Director for Proteomics; Senior Research Scientist - - Publications (PDF)
I am the Technical Director for OSUCCC Proteomics Shared Resources (PSR) at the CCIC-MSP Facility. I work extensively in the identification of proteins, protein-protein binding partners, post-translational modifications, crosslink oramino acid mutation of proteins, as well as label-free or isotope-labeling protein quantitation using mass spectrometry coupled with chromatography. I have almost 20 years of experience with many aspects of mass spectrometry and have been working in the facility for 17 years. I am responsible for the daily operation of the OSUCCC Proteomics Shared Resources. Working together with other colleagues, we provide consultant for experiment design, sample preparation, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis/interpretation and assist for publications or grant submission. I also participate in teaching and promoting mass spectrometric education by training graduate students on Orbitrap operation and demonstrating MS experiments to graduate and college students. My collaboration with the facility users has led to almost 50 peer-reviewed publications, one book chapter, and two pending US patents. I completed my graduate research at The Ohio State University under the supervision of Dr. Michael A. Freitas (currently at The Ohio State University).
Matthew Bernier, PhD – Technical Director, Imaging MS; Research Scientist -
I am the small molecule, accurate mass, and metabolomics facilitator here at the Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility. My work here at the facility began in early 2017 after first finishing my PhD with Vicki Wysocki at OSU in 2014 and doing Post-Doctoral work at Georgia Tech with Dr. Facundo Fernandez. My main research areas of focus have mainly involved small molecule peptide fragmentation fundamentals, ambient ionization development, and high-resolution analysis. I have experience working with small molecule analysis of complex mixtures from many sources and have used many instrument platforms from GCMS to ICR along with small molecule analysis with ion mobility on Waters Synapt G2 instrumentation. In the facility, I use mainly the ThermoScientific Quantiva triple quadrupole for targeted metabolomics and the Thermo Q-Exactive plus for untargeted metabolomics for the majority of projects. I also train users in the operation of the triple quadrupole, the GCMS Thermo DSQ instrument, and run accurate mass analysis on our 15 T Bruker ICR. In addition, for both targeted and untargeted small molecule metabolomics I use our data analysis programs, particularly Progenesis and other open source software, to identify targets of interest and perform the appropriate statistical analysis for the highest quality data for submitted projects.
Gong Wu, PhD - Research Scientist -
I have extensive experience in natural products, protein and organic chemistry, drug design, development and validation. My role in the CCIC MSP facility is to design metabolomics experiments for targeted and non-targeted analysis by HPLC/MS/MS, sample preparation, data acquisition, data analysis including quantitation of targeted components in samples, metabolite identification, statistical analysis of data sets, bioinformatics, and pathway analysis.
Chengyu Gao, PhD - Research Scientist -
I work on LC/MS-based untargeted chemical profiling, targeted compound quantification, and multivariate data analysis at the Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility. I have experience working with different instrument platforms, including GC/O, GC/MS, preparative LC/MS, and UPLC/MS. At the facility, I mainly works on untargeted metabolomics analysis (Thermo Scientific Exploris 480), targeted compound quantification (Thermo Scientific Quantiva), multivariate data analysis and pathway analysis (Compound Discoverer and open-source platform). In addition, I work on and facilitate native mass spectrometry analysis on the Thermo Scientific QE-P and UHMR with offline or online buffer exchanges, and MALDI-based accurate and nominal mass measurement on the Bruker ultraflexXtreme TOF-TOF and Bruker 15 Tesla FT-ICR.
Administrative Staff
Heidi Hamblin, Senior Business Operations Administrator;