In 2014-2015, the CCIC NMR facility has undergone a huge renovation bringing a wide range of state-of-the-art capabilities to OSU and the state of Ohio. It now houses 8 high-field instruments (5 solution and 3 solid-state) split between two locations on campus.
Riffe 137 / 496 W 12th Ave
- Bruker Avance III HD Ultrashield 600 MHz
- Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 700 MHz
- Bruker Avance III HD 800 MHz
CBEC 092 / 151 W Woodruff Ave
- Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 600 MHz
- Bruker Avance III HD Ascend Wide-Bore 600 MHz with DNP
- Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 800 MHz
- Bruker Avance III HD Aeon Wide-Bore 800 MHz
- Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 850 MHz
To register for access to the instruments, please visit FOM. Instrument rates can be found are located on our rates page.
![Riffe 600](/sites/default/files/600avanceiiihdultra_riffe.jpg)
Bruker Avance III HD Ultrashield 600 MHz in Riffe 137
Software: TopSpin 3.6.2 running on CentOS 7
Probe: 5mm Triple-resonance Inverse (TXI) cryoprobe with Z-Gradients
Features: Automatic Tuning/Matching, SampleJet, High-sensitivity 1H
![Riffe 700](/sites/default/files/700avanceiiihdascend_riffe.jpg)
Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 700 MHz in Riffe 137
Software: TopSpin 3.6.2 running on CentOS 7
Probe: 5mm Triple-resonance Observe (TXO) cryoprobe with Z-Gradients
Features: Automatic Tuning/Matching, SampleJet, Nitrogen Liquefier, High-sensitivity 1H, 13C, & 15N
![Riffe 800](/sites/default/files/800avanceiiihd_riffe_0.jpg)
Bruker Avance III HD 800 MHz in Riffe 137
Software: TopSpin 3.6.2 running on CentOS 7
Probe: 5mm Triple-resonance Inverse (TXI) cryoprobe with Z-Gradients
Features: SampleCase, Nitrogen Liquefier, High-sensitivity 1H
![CBEC 600 Sage](/sites/default/files/600AvancelIIIAscend_CBEC.jpg)
Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 600 MHz in CBEC 092
Software: TopSpin 3.6.2 running on Windows 10
Probe: 5mm "Smart" Broadband Observe solution probe (BBFO) probe with Z-Gradients
Features: SampleCase, Automatic Tuning/Matching
![CBEC 600DNP](/sites/default/files/600AvanceIIIAscendDNPWB_CBEC.jpg)
Bruker Avance III HD Ascend Wide-Bore 600 MHz with DNP in CBEC 092
Software: TopSpin 3.6.2 running on CentOS 7
- 3.2mm HXY LTMAS for DNP
- 3.2mm HCN LTMAS for DNP
- 1.3mm HCN very-fast MAS solid-state probe
Features: Bruker Biospin 395 GHz Gryotron System with LT-MAS cooling unit
![CBEC 800](/sites/default/files/800AvanceIIIHDAscend_CBEC.jpg)
Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 800 MHz in CBEC 092
Software: TopSpin 3.6.2 running on CentOS 7
- 4.0mm Gradient hr-MAS solid-state probe (1H, 13C, 15N, 2D)
- 2.5mm Tri-gamma solid-state probe (15N to 31P, and 1H)
- 5/10mm Micro5 Imaging Probe with Diff30 insert for Diffusion (1H)
- 5mm Quadruple-resonance Inverse solution probe (QXI-F) with (1H, 13C, 15N, 19F, 2H)
Features: SampleCase
![CBEC 800WB](/sites/default/files/800AvanceIIIHDWB_CBEC.jpg)
Bruker Avance III HD Aeon 800 MHz in CBEC 092
Software: TopSpin 3.6.2 running on CentOS 7
- 3.2mm Efree solid-state probe (1H, 13C, 15N, 2D)
- 1.9mm Very-fast MAS solid-state probe (1H, 13C, 15N)
- 1.3mm Very-fast MAS solid-state probe (1H, 13C, 15N)
- 3.2mm HXY solid-state probe
Features: Helium Liquefication
![CBEC 850](/sites/default/files/850AvanceIIIHDAscend_CBEC.jpg)
Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 850 MHz in CBEC 092
Software: TopSpin 3.6.2 running on CentOS 7
Probe: 5mm Triple-resonance Inverse (TCI) cryoprobe with Z-Gradients
Features: SampleCase, Nitrogen Liquefier, Dual-Receiver, High-sensitivity 1H & 13C